DreamOn Technical Blog

Month: April 2012

Install vmwaretools on SLES 11

This is a short step by step to install the vmware tools on SLES 11

Install gcc compiler

yast2 -i gcc

Install kernel headers

yast2 -i kernel-source

Mount the cdrom drive.
(In the vmware client select the virtual machine, select guest and select install vmware tools)

Make sure you have mounted the VMware tools virtual cd from the host before moving on.

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/

Extract VMware tools to the tmp directory:

tar -C /tmp -zxvf /mnt/VMwareTools-x.x.x.tar.gz

Unmount the virtual cd:

umount /mnt

Make sure you run the following command from the Console, don’t try to run it using SSH because the network will be restarted and the installation will fail.

cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib

Accept the defaults for every question. Make sure you’re located inside the vmware-tools-distrib folder when executing the vmware-install.pl script or the installation will fail.

If during the setup you didn’t let the vmware-config-tools script run, run it:


To finish the installation and start the virtual machine with VMware tools installed, reboot the virtual machine:


Install vmware tools on debian 6 (lenny)

Install kernel headers and some tools used to install VMware tools:

apt-get install binutils cpp gcc make psmisc linux-headers-$(uname -r) libglib2.0-0

Mount the cdrom drive. Make sure you have mounted the VMware tools virtual cd from the host before moving on.

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/

Extract VMware tools to the tmp directory:

tar -C /tmp -zxvf /mnt/VMwareTools-x.x.x.tar.gz

Unmount the virtual cd:

umount /mnt

Make sure you run the following command from the Console, don’t try to run it using SSH because the network will be restarted and the installation will fail.

cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib

Accept the defaults for every question. Make sure you’re located inside the vmware-tools-distrib folder when executing the vmware-install.pl script or the installation will fail.

If during the setup you didn’t let the vmware-config-tools script run, run it:


To finish the installation and start the virtual machine with VMware tools installed, reboot the virtual machine:


WordPress Down :-S

Hi guys,

I’m sorry for the long downtime.
I had to move my hosting to another provider and didn’t go as well as I thought it would :-S

One tip for you all do an export of you’re wordpress from time to time.
Now I had to rebuild my wordpress site from scratch with some sql imports for the content and file transfers for the photo’s, documents, plugins and themes.

But enough said the site is back up and I have a new post coming up …

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