DreamOn Technical Blog

Category: Global

WordPress Down :-S

Hi guys,

I’m sorry for the long downtime.
I had to move my hosting to another provider and didn’t go as well as I thought it would :-S

One tip for you all do an export of you’re wordpress from time to time.
Now I had to rebuild my wordpress site from scratch with some sql imports for the content and file transfers for the photo’s, documents, plugins and themes.

But enough said the site is back up and I have a new post coming up …

How expensive is it to run a server at home (electricity)?

Ever asked yourself the question how much it will cost to run a server @ home ?
Well I did, I wanted to now how much exactly it costs on electricity to run my server @ home.

First of all you need to know how much energy your server consumes. I have a HP DL380 with the buildin power management in the ilo so I can readout how much the server consumes. If you don’t have that, maybe you have your server hooked to a ups that can readout the power consumption. If you don’t have that, there are also devices available to measure power consumption for a device (energy meters).

I took a readout of all the 3 devices: the energy meter, the ilo power manager and my UPS.
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Finally found my way to blogging

Hey eveyone

Finally found my way to blogging !!!
From now on i will try to blog about what’s happening
I’ll be blogging about everyday job experience and home projects and maybe some personal hobby stuff will see.

I hope i will help someone blogging here or at least giving them a push to a solution.

Happy reading

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