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Category: Linux

Setting up a SMSGateway part1

At work we have a little SMS gateway to send us a warning when a critical event is monitored by the server monitoring system. It’s a Windows XP machine with some old smsgateway software on it and a nokia 3310 connected with a data cable to the com port.

The system works like this:

  • A critical event is triggered on the monitoring server
  • The monitoring server sends an e-mail to the administrators sms mailbox
  • The SMS Gateway checks the sms mailboxes of every sms mailbox if there is a mail the smsgateway will send the e-mail as sms to the administrators mobile phone.

This system worked very well until a couple of months ago ….
The old software stopped to check the mailboxes and we had to manually restart the soft to get it working again for some hours when it stopped again. Not a good solution for an alert system.

So we needed a new system …

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Linux WGET and APT-GET through a proxy

I always need to search how to solve the issue to get wget and apt-get working through a proxy server, therefore I’m posting it here.

On the prompt enter:

export http_proxy="http://<proxy server hostname>:<port>/" 

Replace <proxy server hostname> with the hostname of the proxyserver (eg: mickey.localdomain.local)
Replace <port> with the port the proxy uses (most common is port 8080)

If you need to login to your proxy use:

export http_proxy="http://<user>:<password>@<proxy server hostname>:<port>/" 

Replace <username> with your username
Replace <password> with your password

You can also set a proxy for ftp, gopher and wais
Here are some examples:

http_proxy="http://your.proxy.server:8080/";   export http_proxy
ftp_proxy="http://your.proxy.server:8080/";    export ftp_proxy
gopher_proxy="http://your.proxy.server:8080/"; export gopher_proxy
wais_proxy="http://your.proxy.server:8080/";   export wais_proxy

If you need to connect to host without connecting through the proxy you can use the no_proxy variable

export no_proxy=",localdomain"

This will set an exception for and the local domain named:localdomain

After a logoff or reboot the settings you just did will be forgotten to solve this you can enter the commands in the file /etc/profile.


Another way is to put everything in a script and run that script at login.

Install vmwaretools on SLES 11

This is a short step by step to install the vmware tools on SLES 11

Install gcc compiler

yast2 -i gcc

Install kernel headers

yast2 -i kernel-source

Mount the cdrom drive.
(In the vmware client select the virtual machine, select guest and select install vmware tools)

Make sure you have mounted the VMware tools virtual cd from the host before moving on.

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/

Extract VMware tools to the tmp directory:

tar -C /tmp -zxvf /mnt/VMwareTools-x.x.x.tar.gz

Unmount the virtual cd:

umount /mnt

Make sure you run the following command from the Console, don’t try to run it using SSH because the network will be restarted and the installation will fail.

cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib

Accept the defaults for every question. Make sure you’re located inside the vmware-tools-distrib folder when executing the vmware-install.pl script or the installation will fail.

If during the setup you didn’t let the vmware-config-tools script run, run it:


To finish the installation and start the virtual machine with VMware tools installed, reboot the virtual machine:


Install vmware tools on debian 6 (lenny)

Install kernel headers and some tools used to install VMware tools:

apt-get install binutils cpp gcc make psmisc linux-headers-$(uname -r) libglib2.0-0

Mount the cdrom drive. Make sure you have mounted the VMware tools virtual cd from the host before moving on.

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/

Extract VMware tools to the tmp directory:

tar -C /tmp -zxvf /mnt/VMwareTools-x.x.x.tar.gz

Unmount the virtual cd:

umount /mnt

Make sure you run the following command from the Console, don’t try to run it using SSH because the network will be restarted and the installation will fail.

cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib

Accept the defaults for every question. Make sure you’re located inside the vmware-tools-distrib folder when executing the vmware-install.pl script or the installation will fail.

If during the setup you didn’t let the vmware-config-tools script run, run it:


To finish the installation and start the virtual machine with VMware tools installed, reboot the virtual machine:


HomeLab: DNS step 2: Setting up a BIND slave DNS server on SLES

DNS will be a major service in our network and must be up and running 100% To accomplish this we will install a secondary DNS server (slave).

The purpose of a slave name server is to share the load with the master server, or handle the entire load if the master server is down. A slave name server loads its data over the network from another name server usually the master name server, but it can load from another slave name server too.
This process is called a zone transfer.

For the installation of a slave dns we need a second virtual machine:

  • 1 vCPU
  • 512 MB Ram
  • Harddisk – 10GB
  • Network to your operational lan (ip:
  • OS SLES 11 (64-bit)
We need to install the bind package on this server to, and do an initial configuration of the server. Continue reading

HomeLab: DNS step 1: Setting up a BIND master DNS server on SLES

I’m building my redundant DNS server setup. DNS is short for Domain Name System.

Very basically explained DNS translates domain names into IP addresses and vice versa.

You can find more information about DNS on wikipedia article:

I’ll be installing my DNS server on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) hosted on a vmware virtual environment. The DNS software I’ll be using is BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain).
I’m choosing to use BIND because there is a lot of information out there about BIND and it is the de facto standard DNS server software if you are running a Unix-like OS.

These are the features I want:

  • Run a DNS to resolve internal and external domain names into IP addresses and vice versa.
    (the internal domain name will be biolizards.local, the ip range will be
  • Make my DNS server Redundant against server outage

I will split this guide in 2 posts:

DNS step 1: Setting up a BIND master DNS server on SLES

DNS step 2: Setting up a BIND slave DNS server on SLES

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Homelab: Router Step 1: Installing pfsense router on ESXi

As you might have read on my homelab page I’m starting to rebuild my test environment from scratch
(I like to call it my homelab).

To start off I’ll be installing pfsense as a temporary router.

pfSense is a free, open source customized distribution of FreeBSD tailored for use as a firewall and router. In addition to being a powerful, flexible firewalling and routing platform, it includes a long list of related features and a package system allowing further expandability without adding bloat and potential security vulnerabilities to the base distribution. More information can be found on the pfsense website

Since I’m building my homelab on a ESXi server I’ll need to create a virtual server with following specifications:

Before we start installing we must download the installation iso.
Since version 2.0-rc3 is available I will install that one.
You can download it here: http://blog.pfsense.org/?p=589.
I downloaded this version pfSense-2.0-RC3-amd64-20110621-2308.iso Continue reading

iceScrum installation on SLES

Today I received a demand from our programmers to install a tool called iceScrum.
I thought it would be a good idea to blog how I set it up.

A little quote to point out what iceScrum just is.

IceScrum is an agile management tool created by french students. IceScrum is a WebApplication that runs under a Tomcat server using a MYSql Database with GPL License. The tool is focused on Scrum only and brings basic functionalities to manage Scrum teams but with an original user interface.

You can find more information on there website http://www.icescrum.org/en/

Don’t ask me any details on what the program can do because I only installed it :-S

Time to get our hands dirty and start installing

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Repair Bricked iOmega Storcenter ix4

iomega-storcenter-ix4A couple of days ago, a costumer called me to tell me his storage wasn’t reachable anymore. The status on the lcd screen was giving a loading bar and got stuck at some point. He has a iOmega Storcenter ix4, I told him to do the basic things:

  • reboot the device
  • disconnect all the cables and reconnect it, then try to boot the device

Nothing helped … customer in panic so there went my evening.
Went over there and retried the basic stuff myself (no joy).
After a while trying some different angles nothing seemed to work, so i took it home with me.

After a sleepless night surfing, searching, trying stuff out ….
I found the solution, with no data loss non the less. Continue reading

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