DreamOn Technical Blog

Tag: linux

Homelab: Router Step 1: Installing pfsense router on ESXi

As you might have read on my homelab page I’m starting to rebuild my test environment from scratch
(I like to call it my homelab).

To start off I’ll be installing pfsense as a temporary router.

pfSense is a free, open source customized distribution of FreeBSD tailored for use as a firewall and router. In addition to being a powerful, flexible firewalling and routing platform, it includes a long list of related features and a package system allowing further expandability without adding bloat and potential security vulnerabilities to the base distribution. More information can be found on the pfsense website

Since I’m building my homelab on a ESXi server I’ll need to create a virtual server with following specifications:

Before we start installing we must download the installation iso.
Since version 2.0-rc3 is available I will install that one.
You can download it here: http://blog.pfsense.org/?p=589.
I downloaded this version pfSense-2.0-RC3-amd64-20110621-2308.iso Continue reading

Repair Bricked iOmega Storcenter ix4

iomega-storcenter-ix4A couple of days ago, a costumer called me to tell me his storage wasn’t reachable anymore. The status on the lcd screen was giving a loading bar and got stuck at some point. He has a iOmega Storcenter ix4, I told him to do the basic things:

  • reboot the device
  • disconnect all the cables and reconnect it, then try to boot the device

Nothing helped … customer in panic so there went my evening.
Went over there and retried the basic stuff myself (no joy).
After a while trying some different angles nothing seemed to work, so i took it home with me.

After a sleepless night surfing, searching, trying stuff out ….
I found the solution, with no data loss non the less. Continue reading

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